Visual artist
Selja Raudas is a visual artist, illustrator and painter from Helsinki. She graduated as a visual artist from the Lahti Art Institute, studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and completed a master’s degree in art at the University of Art and Design Helsinki. Raudas’ works have been featured in several solo and group exhibitions since 1989.
Drawing exhibition at the arctic circle
Gallery Napa, Rovaniemi, Finland
14.12.2024 – 7.1.2025
The exhibition is the first step to establishing a biannual drawing exhibition that is launched in Lapland and tours the Nordic region. It is an initiative by artist, curator Elisa Alaluusua who has been part of the drawing community in London and wants to expand that to her native home in Finnish Lapland.​

Participating in the group exhibition in Ukraine
Central Exhibition Hall of ART Union of Ukraine,
Kiova, Ukraine
Art Library named after Nikolai Bazhan,
Kiova, Ukraine
Marya Zenkovetskaya museum,
Lviv, Ukraine
Exhibition Desert – Ice
Art Center Ahjo, Joensuu, Finland
15.02. - 05.03.2023
The exhibition brings together two contrary environments: desert and ice. Raudas has collected inspiration and knowledge by working on Greenland's glaciers and in deserts in Jordan, Israel and Death Valley, California. Paintings describe all the beauty and cross-purposes that are happening when ecosystem is slowly changing.